Clio- Tinted Tattoo Kill Brow (#1 Earth Brown) {Unboxing & Full Review}

This is what the box looks like on all sides. (It was hard to get the text to show properly since it kept reflecting the flash):

When you take the product out of the box, this is what it looks like. One side has the Tattoo Pen and the other side has the Brow Mascara:

This is what it looks like with it on my eyebrows. (I have Blonde eyebrows and they look a lot darker on me. Comparing it to someone who has darker eyebrows):


Some more information about this product:
credit to owner*

Full Review:

When i dyed my hair a dark brown, i used this to help cover my blonde eyebrows. But now that i have blonde hair again, i dont use it as much. but this is so good! I was thinking about getting the Soft Brown version so it could look more natural on me, and since the Earth Brown is really good, i think i might get it, but i'm a little bit worried that it might be too orange for me. The Tattoo pen is quite light and it helps fill in the gaps in your eyebrows, its the mascara that mainly gives you the dark colour.

Where did i buy this from: I cant remember but you can buy this from EBay

Would i recommend this to anyone?: If you have light to dark brown hair then this would work for you. However, if you have blonde hair like me, you might be able to use the tattoo pen and not the mascara for it to look a little bit more natural

Would i buy this again?: ummm, i think, if i every dyed my hair brown again then yeah i would. But if i use the pen softly and not press down too much, it looks a little bit more natural, but you will still know i've filled them in.

How much did i pay for this?: I think it was around £10 or £11



  1. Microblading that brought the sculpted eyebrows imitating real eyebrows to 99% on the eyebrow frame was measured according to the golden ratio of the face.
    Watch video: HERE


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